Tuesday 28 February 2017

Simple Pwm Motor Drive Circuit Diagram

This is the Simple Pwm Motor Drive Circuit Diagram. This circuit will drive a small dc motor over a wide range of speeds without stalling by controlling the duty cycle of the motor, rather than the supply voltage.

Simple Pwm Motor Drive Circuit Diagram

Simple Pwm Motor Drive Circuit Diagram

Readmore → Simple Pwm Motor Drive Circuit Diagram

Monday 27 February 2017

An Electronic Watering Can Circuit Diagram

An Electronic Watering Can Circuit Diagram. Summertime is holiday time but who will be looking after your delicate houseplants while you are away? Caring for plants is very often a hit or miss affair, sometimes you under-water and other times you over-water. This design seeks to remove the doubt from plant care and keep them optimally watered. 

The principle of the circuit is simple: first the soil dampness is measured by passing a signal through two electrodes placed in the soil. The moisture content is inversely proportional to the measured resistance. When this measurement indicates it is too dry, the plants are given a predefined dose of water. This last part is important for the correct function of the automatic watering can because it takes a little while for the soil to absorb the water dose and for its resistance to fall. If the water were allowed to flow until the soil resistance drops then the plant would soon be flooded.

An Electronic Watering Can Circuit Diagram

An Electronic Watering Can-Circuit Diagram
An Electronic Watering Can Circuit Diagram

The circuit shows two 555 timer chips IC1 and IC2. IC1 is an astable multivibrator producing an ac coupled square wave at around 500 Hz for the measurement electrodes F and F1. An ac signal reduces electrode corrosion and also has less reaction with the growth-promoting chemistry of the plant. Current flowing between the electrodes produces a signal on resistor R13. The signal level is boosted and rectified by the voltage doubler produced by D2 and D3. When the voltage level on R13 is greater than round 1.5 V to 2.0 V transistor T2 will conduct and switch T3. Current flow through the soil is in the order of 10 µA. 

T2 and T3 remain conducting providing the soil is moist enough. The voltage level on pin 4 of IC2 will be zero and IC2 will be disabled. As the soil dries out the signal across R13 gets smaller until eventually T2 stops conducting and T3 is switched off. The voltage on pin 4 of IC2 rises to a ‘1’ and the chip is enabled. IC2 oscillates with an ‘on’ time of around 5 s and an ‘off’ time (adjustable via P2) of 10 to 20 s. This signal switches the water pump via T1. P1 allows adjustment of the minimum soil moisture content necessary before watering is triggered. 

The electrodes can be made from lengths of 1.5 mm2 solid copper wire with the insulation stripped off the last 1 cm. The electrodes should be pushed into the earth so that the tips are at roughly the same depth as the plant root ball. The distant between the electrodes is not critical; a few centimetres should be sufficient. The electrode tips can be tinned with solder to reduce any biological reaction with the copper surface. Stainless steel wire is a better alternative to copper, heat shrink sleeving can used to insulate the wire with the last 1 cm of the electrode left bare. Two additional electrodes (F1) are con nected in parallel to the soil probe electrodes (F). The F1 electrodes are for safety to ensure that the pump is turned off if for some reason water collects in the plant pot saucer. A second safety measure is a float switch fitted to the water reservoir tank. 

When the water level falls too low a floating magnet activates a reed switch and turns off the pump so that it is not damaged by running with a dry tank. Water to the plants can be routed through closed end plastic tubing (with an internal diameter of around 4 to 5 mm) to the plant pots. The number of 1 mm to 1.5 mm outlet holes in the pipe will control the dose of water supplied to each plant. The soil probes can only be inserted into one flowerpot so choose a plant with around average water consumption amongst your collection. Increasing or decreasing the number of holes in the water supply pipe will adjust water supply to the other plants depending on their needs. A 12 V water pump is a good choice for this application but if you use a mains driven pump it is essential to observe all the necessary safety precautions. 

Last but not least the electronic watering can is too good to be used just for holiday periods, it will ensure that your plants never suffer from the blight of over or under-watering again; provided of course you remember to keep the water reservoir topped up…

Author : Robert Edlinger

Readmore → An Electronic Watering Can Circuit Diagram

Sunday 26 February 2017

The Nexus 8 or Nexus Android 9 L and 64 bit processor could have these features and design

The Nexus 8 or Nexus Android 9 L and 64-bit processor could have these features and design
With the introduction of Android L, the latest operating system Google Android Lollipop might be called the  Nexus 8 or Nexus 9 could have another design that we had seen.
The Nexus Nexus 8 or 9 remains a mystery and although we saw earlier as might be the design of this new tablet, the latest concept shows us the tablet based on Android L and a 64 bits.

This recreation was created by Vishal Bhanushali and has posted up a video to illustrate what could be the new product from Google.

The Nexus 8 which would be manufactured by HTC would have a soft material at the back to allow it to have a good grip, especially that it would be very thin and light. This rear appears very similar to the rear of the Nexus July 2013.

8 The Nexus runs the latest version of Google's mobile operating system Android Android Lollipop L or (if they end up calling the company), which offers the Material Design (Design Material), as support for 64-bit processors could be Intel or Qualcomm.

Being manufactured by HTC, the Nexus 8 would have the two speakers in the front that are named BoomSound.

According to the creator of this concept, the Nexus 8 would result by the minimalist aspect of L and Android Nexus devices, like the good style that HTC has shown in recent years.

Although this is only a concept, it is very possible that Google present Neuxs 6 and 8 together with Android Nexus L (Lollopop) possibly in October this year. Wait for it to arrive this date to find which is what Google actually has prepared for us.

Readmore → The Nexus 8 or Nexus Android 9 L and 64 bit processor could have these features and design

Audio Milli Volt Meter Circuit Diagram

Build a simple audio Milli volt meter circuit diagram. This Audio Milli Volt Meter Circuit has a flat response from 8Hz to 50 kHz at -3 db on tbe 10-mV range. The upper limit remains the same on tbe less sensitive ranges, but the lower frequency limit covers under 1 Hz.

Simple Audio Milli Volt Meter Circuit Diagram

Simple Audio Milli Volt Meter Circuit Diagram

Sourced By : http://circuitsdiagram-lab.blogspot.com/2013/11/simple-audio-milli-volt-meter-circuit.html

Readmore → Audio Milli Volt Meter Circuit Diagram

Friday 24 February 2017

Using IFR Voltage Regulator Circuit Diagram

The IFR EW a MOSFET transistor, such as transistor has higher feature high input impedance. In this circuit we used an IFR as transistor voltage regulator, which is not common, but it is very good to learn about their behavior in a circuit.

 Using IFR Voltage Regulator Circuit Diagram

Using IFR Voltage Regulator Circuit Diagram

This voltage regulator circuit uses a MOSFET is
IRF4905 (Vdss =-55V, RDS (on) = 0.02ohm, Id =-74A),
but any other can be tested.

Readmore → Using IFR Voltage Regulator Circuit Diagram

Simple Audio Power Meter Circuit

This simple circuit indicates the amount of power that goes to a loudspeaker. The dual-color LED shows green at an applied power level of about 1 watt. At 1.5 watts it glows orange and above 3 watts it is bright red. The circuit is connected in parallel with the loudspeaker connections and is powered from the audio signal. The additional load that this represents is 470 Ohm (R1//R3) will not be a problem for any amplifier. During the positive half cycle of the output signal the green LED in the dual-color LED will be turned on, provided the voltage is sufficiently high.

At higher output voltages, T1 (depending on the voltage divider R2/R1) will begin to conduct and the green LED will go out. During the negative half cycle the red LED is driven via R3 and will turn on when the voltage is high enough. In the transition region (where T1 conducts more and more and ‘throttles’ the green LED as a result) the combination of red/green gives the orange colour of the dual-LED. By choosing appropriate values for the resistors the power levels can be adjusted to suit.
Audio Power Meter Circuit Diagram

The values selected here are for typical living room use. You will be surprised at how loud you have to turn your amplifier up before you get the LEDs to go! The resistors can be 0.25 W types, provided the amplifier does not deliver more than 40 W continuously. Above this power the transistor will not be that happy either, so watch out for that too. Because T1 is used in saturation, the gain (Hfe) is not at all important and any similar type can be used. The power levels mentioned are valid for 4-Ohm speakers. For 8-Ohm speakers all the resistor values have to be divided by two.

Readmore → Simple Audio Power Meter Circuit

Fog Lamp Sensor Circuit Diagram

Fog Lamp Sensor Circuit diagram . For several years now, a rear fog lamp has been mandatory for trailers and caravans in order to improve visibility under foggy conditions.
Fog Lamp Sensor Circuit diagram :
Fog Lamp Sensor-Circuit Diagram
Fog Lamp Sensor Circuit Diagram
When this fog lampis switched on, the fog lamp of the pulling vehicle must be switched off to avoid irritating reflections. For this purpose, a mechanical switch is now built into the 13-way female connector in order to switch off the fog lamp of the pulling vehicle and switch on the fog lamp of the trailer or caravan. For anyone who uses a 7-way connector, this switching can also be implemented electronically with the aid of the circuit illustrated here.

Here a type P521 opto coupler detects whether the fog lamp of the caravan or trailer is connected. If the fog lamp is switched on in the car, a current flows through the caravan fog lamp via diodes D1 and D2. This causes the LED in the opto coupler to light up, with the result that the phot otransistor conducts and energises the relay via transistor T1. The relay switches off the fog lamp of the car.

For anyone who’s not all thumbs, this small circuit can easily be built on a small piece of perforated circuit board and then fitted somewhere close to the rear lamp fitting of the pulling vehicle.

Author :Harrie Dogge - Copyright : Elektor

Readmore → Fog Lamp Sensor Circuit Diagram

Main function of TV tuner

Main function of TV tunerThe main function of the tuner is to select the RF signals from the desired frequency spectrum wave on VHF and UHF and more signs in the air Changing RF variable into a fixed IF frequency and to provide sufficient strengthening to cover the original data that has been transmitted.

Block diagram of a series of TV tuner to receive the frequency VHF / UHF

blok diagram tv tuner

Operational Tuner [Theoretical]

Tuner is controlled by a microprocessor in the TV chassis, which functions to receive / select a frequency. Exchange of information is channeled through the terminal Address, Clock and Data.

In the tuner, there are ICs that function to translate the instruction / data so that the tuner can function to select the desired frequency. The IC consists of some combination of series, including PLL, Local Oscillator [VCO], Mixer and IF amplifier. Everything artifacts in one chip / one chip. For further analysis, CXA3135 IC with I2C format will be taken as an example.

Readmore → Main function of TV tuner

Thursday 23 February 2017

Portable Solar Powered Mobile Phone Battery Charger

Although electricity is a ubiquitous and there are times when it is not possible at all to connect your equipment to an electrical outlet. The purpose of the KIWI-Powered U-passes is to provide energy to any type of mobile device.

Portable Solar Powered Mobile Phone Battery Charger

You can connect this device to any source of energy, including the car’s cigarette lighter, USB port, an outlet or even solar power through photovoltaic cells leaflets. Once loaded, it has the ability to store this energy for at least 6 months.

Portable Solar Powered Mobile Phone Battery Charger

Finally, in terms of connectors, this Swiss Army knife of the batteries can be connected to virtually any device. From phones, to MP3 players or any other gadget.

Portable Solar Powered Mobile Phone Battery Charger

In terms of capacity, the KIWI U-Powered masi can get loads of 1000 and has the ability to charge 2000mAh. The price was another pleasant surprise is which is less than $ 50 USD.

Portable Solar Powered Mobile Phone Battery Charger

Readmore → Portable Solar Powered Mobile Phone Battery Charger

Top 5 Reasons for a New Auto Sound System

If you are a fan of David Letterman, I'm sure you've seen and heard his nutty and often hilarious top 10 lists. He has become famous for them and they have been often imitated but never quite aptly duplicated by many around the world. I have no intentions of trying to claim or ever hope to be as funny as Letterman but I would love to create a top 5 list of why you need a new auto sound system. The sad part is that some of this may ring true for many, if not, I bet it will at least make you smile.

5) You really hate your neighbors and secretly hope that enough loud, late night thumping from your car will convince them to move. Admittedly not the kindest reason for the need of a new auto sound system but if you've had some of my previous neighbors I am fairly certain that it isn't too bad of an idea. Just be careful not to shake too much or they may be leaving part of their automobiles behind.

4) Because you saw it on Ebay and like Weird Al Yankovich you just can't seem to refuse when it comes to last minute bargains in the world's largest garage sale. The truth of the matter is that Ebay can be an excellent resource as far as auto sound systems go. It is important however, to remember that you really need to hear the system before you spend your hard earned money buying it and a lot of time and/or money on the installation of the sound system you select. For that reason Ebay may not be the best choice for your particular needs.

3) Because you're tired of crummy speakers that seem to play static more than music and make more popping and snapping sounds than your old fashioned popcorn popper. Speakers are often only a small part of how your sound system runs. Chances are if you are currently having speaker problems an entirely new auto sound system is going to be in order to insure that all the problems are fixed and solved to your complete satisfaction.

2) Because your Aunt Ethel who has cataracts has a better auto sound system than you. Believe me I know this one stings a little, especially when it hits home. We all hate to think that someone that is older has a more technologically hip and sound product than we do. We often like to kid ourselves into thinking that we live on the cutting edge of technology when that is probably far from the case. Aunt Ethel probably has the kicking sound system she does so that it can be heard without the assistance of miracle ear so keep that in mind before you pull all of your hair out.

And the number 1 reason you should get a new auto sound system is that the 8-trac went out of fashion long before your first child was born. Even though you've clung to the past, it has finally met its limitations of usefulness and it is time to move along and embrace the wonderful world of modern technology and what it can mean to you and the time you and your family spend riding in your vehicle. Hope you had a great smile for the day!

Readmore → Top 5 Reasons for a New Auto Sound System

Inverter 5000W with PWM Pulse Width Modulator

Inverter 5000W with PWM
Inverter 5000W with PWM (Pulse Width Modulator)

This inverter uses PWM (Pulse Width Modulator) with type IC SG3524. IC serves as a oscillator 50Hz, as a regulator of the desired output voltage. Input power ranging from 250W up to 5000W output and has. Following a series INVERTER 5000W with PWM (Pulse Width Modulator).

Inverter 5000W with PWM (Pulse Width Modulator)
Schematic Inverter 5000W with PWM (Pulse Width Modulator)

Inverter 5000W with PWM (Pulse Width Modulator)
Layout PCB Inverter 5000W with PWM (Pulse Width Modulator)

below is the output power settings that can be issued by this inverter:
DC voltage and Transformer "T2" winding recommendation:
Winding Power Supply
12VDC 750W P: 24V "12-0-12" / S: 220V
1500W 24VDC P: 48V "24-0-24" / S: 220V
2250w 36VDC P: 72V "36-0-36" / S: 220V
3000w 48VDC P: 96V "48-0-48" / S: 220V
3750w 60VDC P: 120V "60-0-60" / S: 220V
4500w 72VDC P: 144V "72-0-72" / S: 220V
5250w 84VDC P: 168V "84-0-84" / S: 220V

Transformer used is the transformer CT
R1 serves to regulate the voltage to 220v inverter
R2 serves to regulate the inverter output frequency of 50 or 60 Hz (as appropriate)

power inverter high watt

Readmore → Inverter 5000W with PWM Pulse Width Modulator

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Battery powered Headphone Amplifier

Low distortion Class-B circuitry 6V Battery Supply. Some lovers of High Fidelity headphone listening prefer the use of battery powered headphone amplifiers, not only for portable units but also for home "table" applications. This design is intended to fulfil their needs and its topology is derived from the Portable Headphone Amplifier featuring an NPN/PNP compound pair emitter follower output stage. 

An improved output driving capability is gained by making this a push-pull Class-B arrangement. Output power can reach 100mW RMS into a 16 Ohm load at 6V supply with low standing and mean current consumption, allowing long battery duration. The single voltage gain stage allows the easy implementation of a shunt-feedback circuitry giving excellent frequency stability.
Battery-powered Headphone Amplifier Circuit Diagram :
Battery-powered Headphone Amplifier Circuit diagram
Battery-powered Headphone Amplifier Circuit diagram

  • For a Stereo version of this circuit, all parts must be doubled except P1, SW1, J2 and B1.
  • Before setting quiescent current rotate the volume control P1 to the minimum, Trimmer R6 to maximum resistance and Trimmer R3 to about the middle of its travel.
  • Connect a suitable headphone set or, better, a 33 Ohm 1/2W resistor to the amplifier output.
  • Switch on the supply and measure the battery voltage with a Multimeter set to about 10Vdc fsd.
  • Connect the Multimeter across the positive end of C4 and the negative ground.
  • Rotate R3 in order to read on the Multimeter display exactly half of the battery voltage previously measured.
  • Switch off the supply, disconnect the Multimeter and reconnect it, set to measure about 10mA fsd, in series to the positive supply of the amplifier.
  • Switch on the supply and rotate R6 slowly until a reading of about 3mA is displayed.
  • Check again the voltage at the positive end of C4 and readjust R3 if necessary.
  • Wait about 15 minutes, watch if the current is varying and readjust if necessary.
  • Those lucky enough to reach an oscilloscope and a 1KHz sine wave generator, can drive the amplifier to the maximum output power and adjust R3 in order to obtain a symmetrical clipping of the sine wave displayed.
Technical data:
Output power (1KHz sinewave):
    16 Ohm: 100mW RMS
    32 Ohm: 60mW RMS
    64 Ohm: 35mW RMS
    100 Ohm: 22.5mW RMS
    300 Ohm: 8.5mW RMS
    160mV input for 1V RMS output into 32 Ohm load (31mW)
    200mV input for 1.27V RMS output into 32 Ohm load (50mW)
Frequency response @ 1V RMS:
    flat from 45Hz to 20KHz, -1dB @ 35Hz, -2dB @ 24Hz
Total harmonic distortion into 16 Ohm load @ 1KHz:
    1V RMS (62mW) 0.015% 1.27V RMS (onset of clipping, 100mW) 0.04%
Total harmonic distortion into 16 Ohm load @ 10KHz:
    1V RMS (62mW) 0.05% 1.27V RMS (onset of clipping, 100mW) 0.1%
Unconditionally stable on capacitive loads

Source : red circuits

Readmore → Battery powered Headphone Amplifier

PWM Dimmer Motor Speed Controller Circuit Diagram

This is yet another project born of necessity. It's a simple circuit, but does exactly what it's designed to do - dim LED lights or control the speed of 12V DC motors. The circuit uses PWM to regulate the effective or average current through the LED array, 12V incandescent lamp (such as a car headlight bulb) or DC motor. The only difference between the two modes of operation is the addition of a power diode for motor speed control, although a small diode should be used for dimmers too, in case long leads are used which will create an inductive back EMF when the MOSFET switches off.

p126 pic  
hoto of Completed PWM Dimmer/Speed Control

The photo shows what a completed board looks like. Dimensions are 53 x 37mm, so it's possible to install it into quite small spaces. The parts used are readily available, and many subsitiutions are available for both the MOSFET and power diode (the latter is only needed for motor speed control). The opamps should not be substituted, because the ones used were chosen for low power and their ability to swing the output to the negative supply rail. Note that if used as a motor speed controller, there is no feedback, so motor speed will change with load. For many applications where DC motors are used, constant speed regardless of load is not needed or desirable, but it is up to you to decide if this will suit your needs.

First, a description of PWM is warranted. As the pot is rotated clockwise, the input voltage changes linearly with rotation. At first, the voltage is such that the comparator output is just narrow spikes, which turn the MOSFET on for a very short period. Average current is low, so connected LEDs will be quite dim, or a motor will run (relatively) slowly. As the input voltage coming from the pot increases, the MOSFET is on for longer and longer, so increasing power to the load.

p126 f1
figure 1 - PWM Waveform Generation

Figure 1 shows how the PWM principle works. The red trace is the triangle wave reference voltage, and the green trace is the voltage from the pot. When the input voltage is greater than the reference voltage, the MOSFET turns on, and current flows in the load. Because the frequency is relatively high (about 600Hz), we don't see any flicker from the LEDs, but the tone is audible from a motor that's PWM controlled. The PWM signal is shown in blue. The average current through the load is determined by the ratio of on-time to off-time, and when both are equal, the average current is exactly half of that which would be drawn with DC.

p126 f2
Figure 2 - Dimmer/Speed Controller Schematic

The circuit is shown in Figure 2. U1 is the oscillator, and generates a triangular waveform. R4 and R5 simply set a half voltage reference, so the opamps can function around a 6V centre voltage. U2A is an amplifier, and its output is a 10V peak to peak triangle wave that is used by the comparator based on U2B. This circuit compares the voltage from the pot with the triangle wave. If the input voltage is at zero, the comparator's output remains low, and the MOSFET is off. This is the zero setting. In reality, the reference triangle waveform is from a minimum of about 1.5V to a maximum of 9.5V, so there is a small section at each end of the pot's rotation where nothing happens. 

This is normal and practical, since we want a well defined off and maximum setting. Because of this range, for lighting applications, an industry standard 0-10V DC control signal can be used to set the light level. C-BUS (as well as many other home automation systems) can provide 0-10V modules that can control the dimmer. While a 1N4004 diode is shown for D2, this is only suitable if the unit is used as a dimmer. For motor speed control, a high-current fast recovery diode is needed, such as a HFA15TB60PBF ultra-fast HEXFRED diode. There are many possibilities for the diode, so you can use whatever is readily available that has suitable ratings. The diode should be rated for at least half the full load current of the motor, and the HFA15TB60PBF suggested is good for 15A continuous, so is fine with motors drawing up to 30A.

While it's certainly possible to build the dimmer on veroboard or similar, it's rather fiddly to make and mistakes are easily made. Also, be aware that because of the current the circuit can handle, you will need to use thick wires to reinforce some of the thin tracks. This is even necessary for the PCB version. Naturally, I recommend the PCB, and this is available from ESP. The board is small - 53 x 37mm, and it carries everything, including the screw terminals. The PCB is double-sided with plated-through holes, and has solder masks on both sides. The MOSFET will need a heatsink unless you are using the dimmer for light loads only. It is necessary to insulate the MOSFET from the heatsink in most cases, since the case of the transistor is the drain (PWM output).

For use at high current and possible high temperatures, the heatsink may need to be larger than expected. Although the MOSFET should normally only dissipate about 2W or so at 10A, it will dissipate a lot more if it's allowed to get hot. Switching MOSFETs will cheerfully go into thermal runaway and self destruct if they have inadequate heatsinking. You may also use an IGBT (insulated gate bipolar transistor) - most should have the same pinouts, and they do not suffer from the same thermal runaway problem as MOSFETs. As noted above, there are many different MOSFETs (or IGBTs) and fast diodes that are usable. The IRF540 MOSFET is a good choice, and being rated 27A it has a generous safety margin. There are many others that are equally suitable - in fact any switching MOSFET rated at 10A or more, and with a maximum voltage of more than 20V is quite ok.


Connect to a suitable 12V power supply. When powering up for the first time, use a 100 ohm "safety" resisor in series with the positive supply to limit the current if you have made a mistake in the wiring. The total current drain is about 2.5mA with the pot fully off, rising to 12.5mA when fully on. Most of this current is in the LED, which is also fed from the PWM supply so you can see that everything is working without having to connect a load. Make sure that the pot is fully anti-clockwise (minimum), and apply power. You should measure no more than 0.25V across the safety resistor, rising to 1.25V with the pot at maximum. If satisfactory, remove the safety resistor and install a load. High intensity LED strip lights can draw up to ~1.5A each, and this dimmer should be able to drive up to 10 of them, depending on the capabilities of the power supply and the size of the heatsink for the MOSFET.

source: http://streampowers.blogspot.com/2012/06/pwm-dimmermotor-speed-controller.html

Readmore → PWM Dimmer Motor Speed Controller Circuit Diagram

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Control Interface via PC Keyboard

One of the more difficult aspects when making a control or security system that uses a PC (a burglar alarm using a PC, for example), is the connection of the sensors to the computer. In addition to typically requiring specialist interface expansion boards, the writing of the program that includes interrupts is often also an insurmountable obstacle. But when only a simple system is concerned  consisting   of, for example, four light barriers or, if  need be, trip wires giving a  digital on/off signal when  uninvited guests enter, then  a much cheaper but nevertheless effective interface is  possible.

For this interface we use an (old) computer  keyboard. This contains as many switches as there are keys. These switches are scanned  many times per second in  a matrix in order to detect  the potential press of a key.  The number of columns is  usually eight (C0–C7 in the  schematic); the number of  rows  varies  for  each type  of keyboard and can range  from 14 to 18 (R0–R17 with the  H T82K 28A  keyboard  encoder mentioned in the  example). To  each  switch  there is a single column and  a single row connection.

Circuit diagram :

Control Interface via PC Keyboard-Circuit Diagram

Control Interface via PC Keyboard Circuit Diagram

The intention of the circuit  is that sensor A will ‘push’ the letter A, when it senses  something. This  requires  tracing the keyboard wiring to figure out which column and which row is connected to the A key. One of  the four analogue switches  from  the  familiar  CD4066  CMOS IC is then connected  between these two connections; that is, in parallel with the mechanical A  key on the keyboard. When  the Control-A input of the CD4066 is activated by sensor A, the letter  A will be sent to the computer by the key-board. The PC can then act appropriately,  for example by entering the alarm phase.

The system is not limited to (burglar) detection using a PC. The remote control of a TV  set or other electronic devices can also be  operated with a 4066 in the same way; for  example to scan through a number of TV channels in a cyclical fashion. To do this, you could, for example, shunt the ‘next channel’ button using one of the 4066 switches,  which itself is activated by a 1-Hz square  wave generator.

In the schematic only switches A and B of the  CD4066 are connected to the keyboard. You  can, of course, use all four of the switches  and if you need more than four you can use  multiple CD4066 ICs. The indicated wiring  between the keyboard IC and the 4066 is an example only, and each ‘typed’ letter has to  be determined by the user for the specific  keyboard that is used. It is important that  each CD4066 switch is always connected  between a row- and a column connection.  The output signal from the sensors has to be  suitable for the CD4066 and the power sup-ply voltage of 5 volts used by the keyboard.  The power supply for the CD4066 may be  obtained from the keyboard.

Author : Jacob Gestman Geradts  - Copyright : Elektor

Readmore → Control Interface via PC Keyboard

Project of Long Delay Stop Switch Circuit Diagram

This is a Project of Long-Delay Stop Switch Circuit Diagram. This Long-Delay Stop Switch Circuit Diagram presettable times for train stops in stations are indispensable if you want to operate your model railway more or less realistically according to a timetable. This circuit shows how a 555 timer can be used with a relatively small timing capacitor to generate very long delay times as necessary by using a little trick (scarcely known among model railway electronic technicians): pulsed charging of the timing net-work. Such long delays can be used in hidden yards with through tracks, for instance.  As the timer is designed for half-wave operation, it requires only a single lead to the transformer and one to the switching track or reed contact when used with a Märklin AC system (H0 or H1). The other lead can be connected to any desired grounding point for the common ground of the track and lighting circuits.

Long-Delay Stop Switch-Circuit Diagram
Long-Delay Stop Switch Circuit Diagram

As seen from the outside, the timer acts as a monostable flip-flop. The output (pin 3) is low in the quiescent state. If a negative signal is applied to the trigger input (pin 2), the output goes high and C4 starts charging via R3 and R4. When the voltage on C4 reaches 2/3 of the supply voltage, it discharges via an internal transistor connected to pin 7 to 1/3 of the supply voltage and the output (pin 3) goes low. The two threshold values (1/3 and 2/3) are directly proportional to the supply voltage. The duration of the output signal is independent of the supply voltage: t= 1.1(R4 + R5) × C4 

if the potentiometer is connected directly to the supply line (A and B joined). The maximum delay time that can be generated using the component values shown in the schematic diagram is 4.8 minutes. How-ever, it can be increased by a factor of approximately 10 if the timing network is charged using positive half-waves of the AC supply voltage (reduced to the 10–16-V level) instead of a constant DC voltage. 

The positive half-waves of the AC voltage reach the timing network via D2, the transistor, and D3. Diode D3 prevents C4 from being discharged between the pulses. The total resistance of R4 and R5 should not be too high (no more than 10 MΩ if possible), since electrolytic capacitors (such as are needed for C4) have significant leakage currents. Incidentally, the leakage current of aluminium electrolytic capacitors can be consider-ably reduced by using a supply voltage well below the rated voltage. Capacitor C6 is intended to suppress noise. It forms a filter network in combination with an internal voltage-divider resistor.
If a vehicle happens to remain standing over the reed switch so the magnet holds the contacts constantly closed, the timer will automatically be retriggered when the preset delay times out. In this case the relay armature will not release and the locomotive will come to the ‘end of the line’ in violation of the timetable. This problem can be reliably eliminated using R6, R7 and C5. This trigger circuit ensures that only one trigger pulse is generated, regardless of how long the reed switch remains closed. RC network R8/C7 on the reset pin ensures that the timer behaves properly on switch-on (which is far from being something to be taken for granted with many versions of the 555 or 556 dual timer).
Reed switches have several special characteristics that must be kept in mind when fitting them. The contact blades, which are made from a ferromagnetic material, assume opposite magnetic polarities under the influence of a magnetic field and attract each other. Here the position and orientation of the magnet, the distance between the magnet and the reed switch, and the direction of motion of the magnet relative to the switch are important factors. The fragility of the glass hous-ing and the thermal stress from soldering (stay at least 3 mm away from the glass housing) require a heat sink to be used between the soldering point and the glass/metal seal. A suitable tweezers or flat-jawed pliers can be used for this pur-pose. If you need to bend the leads, use flat-jawed pliers to protect the glass/metal seal against mechanical stresses. 

Matching magnets in various sizes are available from toy merchants and electronics mail-order firms. They should preferably be fitted underneath the loco-motive or carriage. However, the magnet can also be fitted on the side of a vehicle with a plastic body. In this case the reed switch can be hidden in a mast, bridge column or similar structure or placed in a tunnel, since the distance must be kept to less than around 10 mm, even with a strong magnet. If fitting the circuit still presents problems (especially with Märklin Z-gauge Mini-Club), one remedy is to generate the trigger using a unipolar digital Hall switch, such as the Siemens TLE4905L or Allegro UGN3120. To avoid coupled-in interference, the stop timer should be fitted relatively close to the Hall sensor (use screened cable if necessary). Pay attention to the polarity of the magnet when fitting it to the bottom of the vehicle. With both types of sensors, the South pole must point toward the front face of the Hall IC (the face with the type marking). The North pole is sometimes marked by a dab of paint. Generally speaking, the polarity must be determined experimentally. 

Fitting the circuit is not a problem with Z-gauge and 1-gauge tracks, since the distance between the iron parts (rails) and the Hall switch is sufficiently large. In an HO system, some modifications must be made to the track bed of the Märklin metal track. Cut a suitably sized ‘window’ between one wheel rail and the centre rail in order to prevent secondary magnetic circuits from interfering with the operation of the sensor. Keep the distance between the magnet and the case of the Hall switch between 5 and 10 mm, depending on the strength of the magnet, to ensure reliable actuation.

Readmore → Project of Long Delay Stop Switch Circuit Diagram

STK013 Amplifier Circuit

On the amplifier circuit using ic STK, the same as my previous posting. However, in the above circuit has 2 inputs and 2 outputs, or commonly called a stereo amplifier. This issue of power amplifier 2 x 18Watt and has impedance 8. To stress that it takes about 35-38Volt.
stk 013 amplifier
Component list :
R1 =  390K
R2 = 390K
R3 = 220K
R4 = 220K
R5 = 220K
R6 = 220K
R7 = 100R
R8 = 1R
R9 = 9.1K
R10 = 9.1K
R11 = 1R
C1 = 10uF
C2 = 10uF
C3 = 0.47uF
C4 = 0.47uF
C5 = 220uF
C6 = 0.047uF
C7 = 4700uF
C8 = 100uF
C9 = 1000uF
C10 = 100uF
C11 = 4700uF
C12 = 470uF
C13 = 0.047uF
U1 = STK013
Readmore → STK013 Amplifier Circuit

BBE AM64 Tagboard Layout

Readmore → BBE AM64 Tagboard Layout

Gibson Deluxe Tuners and why they suck

Please note that this post is part one of four posts. I highly recommend reading all four posts in order before acting on any of the information.

The other parts are located here:

Part 2: http://diystrat.blogspot.com/2009/01/gibson-deluxe-tuners-part-two.html
Part 3: http://diystrat.blogspot.com/2009/02/gibson-deluxe-tuners-fix.html
Part 4: http://diystrat.blogspot.com/2010/01/gibson-deluxe-tuners-revisit.html

I have a problem with one of the tuners on my Les Paul. It had the problem already when I bought the guitar a few years ago and I managed to do a temporary fix, but the problem has resurfaced.

Before I go on about it, let’s have a look at a typical stamped (open-backed) guitar tuner.

There are several components and many names for those components, so my apologies if I use ones that you are not accustomed to. Firstly, the tuner can also be called the tuning head, tuning peg, or the machine head (and possibly other names). It has a main plate, through which the main cylinder (or capstan), passes. The capstan is the shaft that the string itself passes through. On the end of the capstan is a gear, sometimes called the pinion gear, and a screw/bolt holds that on to the end of the capstan. Then we have another shaft or pin with the tuner knob (or button) on the end of it. This pin has a gear on it too (in fact they are one part in most cases), and this particular gear is known as a worm gear. From now on I will just refer to this shaft as the worm gear.

As an aside, and for any non-engineer-minded people out there, the reason a worm gear is used is because turning the button/knob will rotate the worm gear, which will in turn rotate the pinion gear and the capstan, thus tightening or loosening the string, whereas no matter how much you tighten the string, the pinion gear cannot force the worm gear to turn. This is a really good way to keep strings in tune without making it really hard to turn the knob.

OK, back to the description of the tuner. There is one further feature that I have not yet mentioned and that is the retaining “claws” which are part of the main plate and hold the worm gear in place. The claws stop the worm gear from moving away from the pinion gear or falling away from the main plate. The plate stops the worm gear from falling against the guitar and the pinion gear stops it from falling out in the direction of the capstan. So hopefully you can see that the worm gear cannot possibly fall out unless the pinion gear is removed.

Now to the Gibson Deluxe Tuners (and why they suck).

As you can see, the tuner has the same components as any standard open-backed tuner, but please note one subtle difference – the claws stop the worm gear from moving away from, or towards the pinion gear (i.e. from side to side), but not from falling away from the main plate! Seriously, it can just fall right off.

“But wait!”, I hear you Gibson Deluxe Tuner fans shouting, “The Gibson Deluxe Tuners have a back cover which stops the worm gear from falling away from the main plate!”

Well, you are correct, but this leads me to the problem with my tuner... the back cover has fallen off. And this brings me to my second criticism of Gibson Deluxe Tuner design. You would think that, if the back cover was the only thing holding the worm gear in place, it would be held on in a way that would be very hard to move.
Let’s have a look at their design.

The back cover is held on with two little tabs (one of mine is slightly damaged, but this happened while I was trying to find a solution to keeping it in place. It originally fell off with the tabs intact). Now as an engineer, I would think that a tab should at least fold over to keep something in place, but these ones just go into slots and do not appear to be twisted, folded, or in any other way modified once they go through the slots. In other words they are held in by “interference fit” only, so that they can come out just as easily as they went in [edit: actually, this isn't 100% correct - please see the comments at the end of this post]. Now let’s think about what’s on the end of the worm gear. That’s right, a big knob/button that sticks out and is basically on the end of a lever. What do we often use levers for? Well, for prising things out of place for one. The longer the lever, the easier it is. So one accidental knock on the tuning knob and you can dislodge the back cover, letting the worm gear fall out of place.

In the course of trying to find a single replacement Gibson Deluxe Tuner (which, not surprisingly, cannot be bought separately), I have noticed many other people scrambling to buy single replacements off ebay or asking if anyone has a spare one on musicians’ forums. A full set is not cheap either; around £60 would not be unusual. I wouldn’t even mind paying that if I though it was a good strong design, but I think you can guess by my rantings how much I think of these things. Unfortunately replacing them with anything other than originals devalues the guitar, so there isn’t much choice.

Additionally, on the front face of the guitar head you need to use a bushing (also called a ferrule) which stops the capstan from rubbing on the wood of the guitar when it is being rotated, and whereas these are normally press-in bushings on tuners of similar design to Gibson Deluxe Tuners, on the actual Gibson ones, they are screw-in bushings. Now I have no complaints about this, design-wise, I’m just saying that there are very few replacements available other than the Gibson Deluxe Tuners.

Gibson Deluxe Tuner bushing (and washer)

Standard bushing

So stay tuned (no pun intended) for the next blog post, where I will try to fix mine.
Readmore → Gibson Deluxe Tuners and why they suck

Monday 20 February 2017

SW Converter for Digital AM Car Radio

This circuit is purposely presented with many loose ends (not literally, of course) to stimulate experimenting with RF circuitry at a small outlay. Looking at the circuit diagram you may recognize a modified version of the SW Converter for AM Radios described elsewhere in this issue. The modifications were necessary to make the circuit compatible with a digital rather than analogue AM car radio. The main difference between digital AM radios and their all-analogue predecessors is that tuning is in 9 kHz (some-times 4.5 kHz steps) in compliance with the international frequency allocation for the band. Obviously, that particular step size, desirable as it may be on MW, is a stumbling block if you want to use a digital AM receiver in combination with a frequency step-up converter for SW, where chaos reigns and there is no fixed step size. The first attempt was to make the crystal oscillator variable by about 5 kHz each way.


Circuit diagram :

SW Converter for Digital AM Car-Radio-Circuit-Diagram

SW Converter for Digital AM Car Radio Circuit Diagram


Unfortunately, despite serious efforts, the crystal could not be pulled more than 1 or 2 kHz so another solution had to be found. After studying the NE/SA602/612 datasheet, it was found that a variable LC based oscillator was the best alternative. The circuit worked after winding a resonant LC circuit and adding a 0.1 µF series capacitor to block the DC component on pin 6 of the NE602 (612). When the tuning was found to be a bit sharp with the original capacitor, a simple bandspread (or fine tuning) feature was added by shunting the LC resonant circuit with a lightly loaded 365 pF tuning capacitor (C10) which, like the main tuning counterpart, C8, was ratted from an old transistor radio. The tuning coil, L1, consists of 8 to 10 turns of 0.6-0.8mm dia. enamelled copper wire (ECW) on a 6-8 mm dia. former without a core. With this coil, frequency coverage will be from about 4 MHz to 12 MHz or so. Details on Tr1 may be found in the referring article.


Note that no tuning capacitor is used on the secondary — the input stray capacitance of the NE602 (612) does the trick. A BFO (beat frequency oscillator) was added to enable SSB (single sideband) signals to be received. The BFO built around T1 is simple, has a heap of output and is stable enough to hold an SSB signal for a few minutes without adjustment. The BFO frequency is tuned with C3. Tr2 is a ready-made 455 kHz IF transformer whose internal capacitor was first crushed and then removed with pliers. When S2 is closed the BFO output signal is simply superimposed on the NE602 (612) IF output to the MW radio. The converter should be built into a metal box for shielding. If you find that the BFO gives too much output, disconnect it as suggested in the circuit diagram and let stray coupling do the work. Sensitivity, even on a 1-metre length of car radio aerial, is quite amazing. Bearing in mind that most of the major international SW broadcasting stations like Radio NHK Japan, Moscow, BBC etc.) generate enough power to make sure that you will hear them, it is still quite exciting to hear such signals for the first time on your car radio.


Author : P. Laughton, VK2XAN – Copyright : Elektor Electronics

Readmore → SW Converter for Digital AM Car Radio

Class A Headphone Amplifier

This circuit is derived from the Portable Headphone Amplifier featuring an NPN/PNP compound pair emitter follower output stage. An improved output driving capability is gained by making this a push-pull Class-A arrangement. Output power can reach 427mW RMS into a 32 Ohm load at a fixed standing current of 100mA. The single voltage gain stage allows the easy implementation of a shunt-feedback circuitry giving excellent frequency stability.

Class-A Headphone Amplifier-Circuit Diagram
Class-A Headphone Amplifier Circuit diagram

The above mentioned shunt-feedback configuration also allows the easy addition of frequency dependent networks in order to obtain an useful, unobtrusive, switchable Tilt control (optional). When SW1 is set in the first position a gentle, shelving bass lift and treble cut is obtained. The central position of SW1 allows a flat frequency response, whereas the third position of this switch enables a shelving treble lift and bass cut.
  • Before setting quiescent current rotate the volume control P1 to the minimum, Trimmer R6 to zero resistance and Trimmer R3 to about the middle of its travel.
  • Connect a suitable headphone set or, better, a 33 Ohm 1/2W resistor to the amplifier output.
  • Connect a Multimeter, set to measure about 10Vdc fsd, across the positive end of C5 and the negative ground.
  • Switch on the supply and rotate R3 in order to read about 7.7-7.8V on the Multimeter display.
  • Switch off the supply, disconnect the Multimeter and reconnect it, set to measure at least 200mA fsd, in series to the positive supply of the amplifier.
  • Switch on the supply and rotate R6 slowly until a reading of about 100mA is displayed.
  • Check again the voltage at the positive end of C5 and readjust R3 if necessary.
  • Wait about 15 minutes, watch if the current is varying and readjust if necessary.
Parts List :
P1 : 22K Dual gang Log Potentiometer 
R1 : 15K
R2 : 220K
R3 : 100K
R4 : 33K
R5 : 68K
R6 : 50K
R7 : 10K
R8,R9 : 47K
R10,R11 : 2R2
R12 : 4K7
R13 : 4R7
R14 : 1K2
R15,R18 : 330K
R16 : 680K
R17,R19 : 220K
R20,R21 : 22K
C1,C2,C3,C4 : 10µF/25V
C5,C7 : 220µF/25V
C6,C11 : 100nF
C8 : 2200µF/25V
C9,C12 : 1nF
C10 : 470pF
C13 : 15nF
D1 : LED
D2,D3 : 1N4002
Q1,Q2 : BC550C
Q3 : BC560C
Q4 : BD136
Q5 : BD135
IC1 : 7815
T1 : 15CT/5VA Mains transformer
SW1 : 4 poles 3 ways rotary Switch
SW2 : SPST slide or toggle Switch

Readmore → Class A Headphone Amplifier

Triangular Wave Oscillator

This design resulted from the need for a partial replacement of the well-known 8038 chip,  which is no longer in production and there fore hardly obtainable.

An existing design for driving an LVDT sensor (Linear Variable Differential Transformer),  where the 8038 was used as a variable sine  wave oscillator, had to be modernised. It may  have been possible to replace the 8038 with an  Exar 2206, except that this chip couldn’t be used  with the supply voltage used. For this reason we  looked for a replacement using standard components, which should always be available.

Circuit diagram :

Triangular Wave Oscillator-Circuit Diagram

Triangular Wave Oscillator Circuit Diagram

In this circuit two opamps from a TL074 (IC1.A  and B) are used to generate a triangular wave,  which can be set to a wide range of frequencies using P1. The following differential amplifier using T1 and T2 is configured in such a way  that the triangular waveform is converted into  a reasonably looking sinusoidal waveform. P2  is used to adjust the distortion to a minimum.

The third opamp (IC1.C) is configured as a  difference amplifier, which presents the sine  wave at its output. This signal is then buffered by the last opamp (IC1.D). Any offset at the  output can be nulled using P3.


Author : Jac Hettema - Copyright : Elektor

Readmore → Triangular Wave Oscillator

Friday 17 February 2017

Build Electronic Project for Home Made Movie Maker

Like real movies, this circuit makes use of a characteristic of the human eye and brain known as the persistence of vision. A sequence of still pictures is projected onto a screen in rapid succession. The pictures differ slightly from one another and the brain interprets the succession of still pictures as continuous motion.
Here the pictures are shadows cast by low-voltage lamps. There are four Lamps in all, which glow in sequence cyclically. This gives the illusion of a simple but realistic movie.

Fig. 1 shows the circuit for the movie maker. It is driven by clock pulses provided by NAND gates N1 and N2. The flickering frequency is adjustable through preset VR1. A suitable rate for perceiving continuous motion is 16 Hz. The clock pulses are fed to counter IC CD4022 (IC2). IC2 has eight outputs, but only the first four (0-3) are used in this circuit. The outputs go high one at a time, in sequence. The fifth output (output 4) is connected to the reset input so that the counter is immediately reset at the fifth count and the first output (output 0) goes high.

The counter outputs are fed to CD4049 hex buffer (IC3). The buffer outputs drive transistors T1 through T4 in a sequence. As each transistor conducts, the lamp connected to it glows. The lamps are rated at 0.3A so these provide enough light to operate the movie show in a dimly-lit room.

Fig. 1: Circuit for movie maker:

Circuit for movie maker

Assemble the circuit on a general-purpose PCB. Power-on the circuitusing switch S1 and make sure that the outputs of IC2 (0 through 3) are normally low but briefly go high three-four times within a second. Also ensure that the lamps flash one at a time in a repeating sequence. If the sequence appears to be wrong or any of the lamps fails to glow, check the wiring. The light shield and film holder can be made of a thin card, sheet metal or plywood. Strictly adhere to the various dimensions as shown in Fig. 2. Otherwise, the shadow images may fail to register properly when projected.

Use a plastic cabinet as shown in Fig. 3 to hold the circuit board and battery. Owing to the power requirements of the lamps, it is more economical to use four 1.5V cells in a battery box. Else, you can use a 6V power adaptor.

Fig. 2: Assembly arrangement:


There are two ways of mounting the lamps. The more satisfactory but more expensive method is to bolt the four lamps. Alternatively, drill four 1cm dia. holes on the front of the cabinet, wedge the base of the lamps in these holes and solder wire to the bases.

Fig. 3: Plastic case with assembled circuit:

assembled circuit

The easiest way to prepare the film frames is to photocopy the desired drawings onto transparent films. Alternatively, trace them on a transparent acetate film or draughtsman's film, using a fine marker pen. Align all the drawings on the frames and project onto the screen.

Fig. 3: Flim making:

Working of the circuit is simple. First of all, fix the clock frequency at about 16 Hz. Place the film on the holder. Ensure a distance of 12 cm between the screen and the assembled unit and power-on the circuit using switch S1. Now you can see your drawings as a short movie clip on the screen.

EFY note. We have tested this circuit without the mechanical arrangement.

 Source: EFY

Readmore → Build Electronic Project for Home Made Movie Maker

High impedance balance output circuit

Because of high input impedance required to maximize CMRR, High impedance balance output circuit shown in figure below , has been used for the input impedance is determined solely by the input bias resistance R1 and R2. High impedance balance output circuit also useful for interfacing with valve equipment in the strange world of retro-hi-fi.
high impedance schematic
High impedance balance output circuit
Adding the output cathode followers for valve circuits are expensive and consume a lot of extra energy, so that the output is often taken directly from the anode gain-stage, as a result, even loading bridge the so-called 10 k distortion can seriously endanger performance and output swing available from the source equipment.
All balanced phase dealt with until now have their input impedance is determined by value input resistors, etc., and this can not be raised without lowering the noise performance.
High impedance balance output circuit diagrams above shows one answer to this. Input op-amp itself is quite a lot has infi nite
Impedance in terms of audio, so the input impedance is determined by the need to R1, R2 bias non-inverting input. A property of remarkable and very useful from this circuit is that the addition of Rg resistance increased profits, but maintain the balance of the circuit. This confidentiality guration can not be set to weaken for the advantages of an op-amp with feedback on the series can not decreases below unity.

Readmore → High impedance balance output circuit

Power up down Sequencer

Power-up/down Sequencer Circuit Diagram. Whether you’re talking about a home cinema  or a computer system, it’s very often the case  that the various elements of the system have  to be turned on or off in a quite specific order,  or at least, automatically. Constructing this  sort of automation system is well within the  capability of any electronics enthusiast worthy of the name, but in this ‘all-digital’ age,  most of the circuits of this type to be found  in amateur electronics magazines or web-sites use a microcontroller. Even though that  is indeed a logical solution (in  more ways than one!), and you  might even say the easiest one, it  does pose problems for all those  people who don’t (yet) have the  facilities for programming these  types  of  IC.  So  we  decided  to  offer you now an approach that’s  very different, as it only uses a  simple, cheap, commonly-avail-able analogue integrated circuit,  which of course doesn’t have to  be programmed. Our project in  fact uses as it’s ‘brain’ an LM3914,  a familiar IC from National Semiconductors,  usually  used  for  driving  LED  VU  (volume  unit)  meters. 

Power-up-down Sequencer Circuitw
Power-up/down Sequencer Circuit Diagram

Before taking a look at the circuit  for  our  project,  let ’s  just  remind ourselves that the IC has  one analogue input and ten out-puts intended for driving LEDs.  It can operate in ‘point’ mode,  where the LEDs light up in turn,  from first to last, depending on  the input voltage, but only one LED is lit at  any given time. Alternatively  it can operate  in ‘bar’ mode (this is the mode normally used  for VU meters), and in this case, the LEDs light  up one after the other, in such a way as to create a strip of light (bar) that is longer or  shorter according to the input voltage. This is  the mode selected for the LM3914 in the circuit described in some detail below. 

So as to be able to control the AC powered equipment  our  sequencer  is  intended  to manage, we are using solid-state relays — four, in our example, though you can reduce or increase this number, up to a maximum of ten. Since the input devices in solid-state relays are LEDs, they can be driven directly by the LM3914 outputs, since that’s exactly what they’re designed for. As only four relays  are available, these are spread across out-puts L2, L4, L6, and L8, but you can choose  any arrangement you like to suit the number  of relays you want to use. 

Resistor R7 connected to pin 7 of the LM3914  sets the current fed to the LEDs by the LM3914  outputs. Here, it’s been set to 20 mA, since  that is the value expected by the solid-state  relays chosen. The input voltage applied to  pin 5 of the LM3914 is none other than the  voltage present across capacitor C1 — and  this is where the circuit is ingenious. When  the switch is set to ‘on’, C1 charges slowly  through R5, and the LEDs of the solid-state  relays on the outputs light one after another  as this voltage increases; in this way, the units  being controlled are powered up in the order you’ve chosen. To power-down, all you have  to do is flip the switch so that C1 discharges  through  R5,  and  the  LEDs  go  out  in  the  reverse order to that in which they were lit,  in turn powering down the units connected to the solid-state relays. Easy, isn’t it? If you’re not happy with the sequence speed,  all you need do is increase or reduce the  value of R5 in order to alter the speed one  way or the other.
The circuit needs to be powered from a volt-age of around 9 to 12 V, which doesn’t even  need to be stabilized. A simple ‘plug-top’,  ‘wall wart’ or ‘battery eliminator’ unit will be  perfect, just as long as it is capable of supply-ing enough current to power all the LEDs. As  the LED current is set by R7 to 20 mA per LED,  it’ll be easy for you to work out the current  required, according to the number of solid-state relays you’re using. 

In our prototype the type S216S02 relays  from Sharp were used, mainly because they  proved readily available by mail order. They also have the advantage of being compact,  and their switching capacity of 16 A means  you can dispense with a heatsink if you’re  using them for a computer or home cinema  system, where the current drawn by the vari-ous units can be expected to remain under  1 A. These solid-state relays must be protected by a fuse, the rating of which needs to  be selected according to the current drawn  by the devices being powered. 

Also note the presence across the relay terminals of a VDR, also known as a GeMOV or  SiOV, intended to protect them from any spurious voltage spikes. You can use any type  that ’s intended for operation on 250 VAC  without any problem. The values of fuses F1  to F4 are of course going to depend on the  load being protected. 

Construction of the circuit shouldn’t present any particular difficulty, but as the solid-state relays are connected directly to AC  power, it is essential to install it in a fully-insulated case; the case can also be used to  mount the power outlet sockets controlled  by the circuit. Note that sockets are female  components.
Let’s just end this description with the sole  restriction imposed by our circuit — but it’s  very easy to comply with, given the intended  use. In order to remain triggered, the solid-state relays must carry a minimum holding  current, which is 50 mA in the case of the  devices we’ve selected. In practical terms,  this just means that each of the devices powered by our sequencer must draw at least  50 mA, or in other words roughly 12 VA at  230 VAC, or 25 VA at 120 VAC.

Author :Christian Tavernier

Readmore → Power up down Sequencer

Thursday 16 February 2017

Converting a DCM Motor

We recently bought a train set made by a renowned company and just couldn’t resist looking inside the locomotive. Although it did have an electronic decoder, the DCM motor was already available 35 (!) years ago. It is most likely that this motor is used due to financial constraints, because Märklin (as you probably guessed) also has a modern 5-pole motor as part of its range. Incidentally, they have recently introduced a brushless model. 

The DCM motor used in our locomotive is still an old-fashioned 3-pole series motor with an electromagnet to provide motive power. The new 5-pole motor has a permanent magnet. We therefore wondered if we couldn’t improve the driving characteristics if we powered the field winding separately, using a bridge rectifier and a 27 Ω current limiting resistor. This would effectively create a permanent magnet. The result was that the driving characteristics improved at lower speeds, but the initial acceleration remained the same. But a constant 0.5 A flows through the winding, which seems wasteful of the (limited) track power. A small circuit can reduce this current to less than half, making this technique more acceptable. 

Circuit diagram :
Converting a DCM Motor-Circuit Diagram
Converting a DCM Motor Circuit Diagram

The field winding has to be disconnected from the rest (3 wires). A freewheeling diode (D1, Schottky) is then connected across the whole winding. The centre tap of the winding is no longer used. When FET T1 turns on, the current through the winding increases from zero until it reaches about 0.5 A. At this current the voltage drop across R4-R7 becomes greater than the reference voltage across D2 and the opamp will turn off the FET. The current through the winding continues flowing via D1, gradually reducing in strength. When the current has fallen about 10% (due to hysteresis caused by R3), IC1 will turn on T1 again. The cur-rent will increase again to 0.5 A and the FET is turned off again. This goes on continuously.
The current through the field winding is fairly constant, creating a good imitation of a permanent magnet. The nice thing about this circuit is that the total current consumption is only about 0.2 A, whereas the current flow through the winding is a continuous 0.5 A. 

We made this modification because we wanted to convert the locomotive for use with a DCC decoder. A new controller is needed in any case, because the polarity on the rotor winding has to be reversed to change its direction of rotation. In the original motor this was done by using the other half of the winding.
There is also a good non-electrical alter-native: put a permanent magnet in the motor. But we didn’t have a suitable magnet, whereas all electronic parts could be picked straight from the spares box. 

Author : Karel Walraven

Readmore → Converting a DCM Motor

RZ26LZ55 LG LCD TV Circuit Diagram

Power unit: The power board supplies a DC voltage of 33V, 24V, 12V to the main board.out of this 33v is used by the tuner and 24v is used directly by the inverter and the sound amplifier IC. 24v also is converted into 5v by a regulator.  The 5v is changed into 3.3v and 1.8v by a regulator, both voltages(3.3v, 1.8v ) is used by VCTI, Scaler, FLI2300 and AD9883. The voltage of LCD Panel is 12v.
Video control and display data:  Video signal is received from TUNER, AV port(AV1,AV2,S-Video,Component) and goes to the one-chip video decoder (VCTI) which separate the R,G,B signal and passes on the signal to AD converter(AD9883) which converts 4:4:4 video format into digital and gives output to the Picture Enhancer(FLI2300).This picture enhancer improves the quality of the picture by changing the level of RGB signals. The output of this enhancer chip is fed to the deinterlacer ,which in turn goes to the Scalar (GM5221).The scalar gives the output on the LVDS cable which is connected to LCD module.  VCTi acts a micom and is responsible for video processing and audio signal processing. It accepts the RF signal and separates sound and picture from it.  Scaler is responsible for regulating the timing of signal to LCD panel and size and location of the signal. Graphic control accepts the PC(Analog RGB) and DVI-D (Digital ) signal, Scalar is responsible for regulating the timing of signal to LCD panel and size and location of the signal. Graphic control accepts the PC(Analog RGB) and DVI-D (Digital ) signal,the signal of PC input is connected to analog port in Scaler and the signal of DVI-D input is connected to digital port. Thus it receives two input and switch between them to give output at the LVDS which in turn gives output at the LCD module.

Readmore → RZ26LZ55 LG LCD TV Circuit Diagram

Simple LED flasher circuit using NE555 timer IC

This circuit consumes more power, but it's advantage is when you need a variable flash rate, like for strobe circuits. You can actually use this circuit as a remote control for strobes that have a remote input. Of course, it has many other applications besides strobes.

Simple LED flasher circuit using NE555 timer ICLED flasher circuit
  • R1, R2, C1 and the supply voltage determine the flash rate. Using a regulated power supply will do much to insure a stable flash rate. For a variable flash rate, replace R1 with a 1 megohm pot in series with a 22k resistor.
  • The duty cycle of the circuit (the percentage of the time LED 1 is on to the time it is off during each cycle) is deterimed by the ratio of R1 to R2. If the value of R1 is low in relationship to R2, the duty cycle will be near 50 percent. If you use both LEDs, you will probably want a 50 percent duty cycle. On the other hand, if R2 is low compared to R1, the duty cycle will be less than 50 percent. This is useful to conserve battery life, or to produce a strobe type effect, when only LED1 is used.
  • The NE555 timer chip can be damaged by reverse polarity voltage being applied to it. You can make the circuit goof proof by placing a diode in series with one of the supply leads.
  • The purpose of R3 and R4 is to limit current through the LEDs to the maximum they can handle (usually 20 milliamps). You should select the value of these according to the supply voltage. 470 ohms works well with a supply voltage of 9-12 volts. You will need to reduce the value for lower supply voltages.
  • Rainbow Kits offers several kits to build the above circuit. You can also order these kits from RadioShack.com. The Radio Shack catalog numbers (and web pages) are as follows: standard kit with two 5mm red LEDs, (990-0067), kit with two red, two green and two yellow 3mm LEDs, (990-0063), kit with jumbo green LEDs, (990-0048), kit with jumbo red LEDs, (990-0049). You can also buy all the parts to build the circuit at your local Radio Shack store, including a circuit board (276-159B).
I have built a miniature strobe circuit as follows. Use a 250k pot in series with a 4.7k resistor for R1. The 4.7k resistor sets the upper flash rate limit. Use 2.2k for R2. That sets a really short duty cycle. For this circuit, you don't use LED 2 or R4. For LED 1, I used a two Radio Shack white LEDs in series and no R-3. The circuit runs on a 9 v battery.  link

Readmore → Simple LED flasher circuit using NE555 timer IC

Simple 500W 12V to 220V Inverter

500W 12V to 220V Inverter Circuit Diagram

500W 12V to 220V Inverter Circuit Diagram
This is a 500W DC-to-AC inverter circuit diagram which produces an AC output at line frequency and voltage. 12VDC to 220V 50Hz inverter circuit will power 220V or 110V appliances from 12V car battery. The circuit is easy to make and is low cost. Use proper transformer. The output (in watts) is up to you by selecting different power rating transformer and power transistor rating. If you load electronic device which require 120V AC, then use transformer with 120V in output.

Readmore → Simple 500W 12V to 220V Inverter

Music On Hold for Telephones

Here is a simple circuit for music-on-hold with automatic shut off facility. During telephone conversation if you are reminded of some urgent work, momentarily push switch S1 until red LED1 glows, keep the telephone handset on the cradle, and attend to the work on hand. A soft music is generated and passed into the telephone lines while the other-end subscriber holds. When you return, you can simply pick up the handset again and continue with the conversation. The glowing of LED1, while the music is generated, indicates that the telephone is in hold position. As soon as the handset is picked up, LED1 is turned off and the music stops.


Circuit diagram :

Music-On-Hold for-Telephones-Circuit-Diagram

Music-On-Hold for Telephones Circuit Diagram


Normally, the voltage across telephone lines is about 50 volts. When we pick up the receiver (handset), it drops to about 9 volts. The minimum voltage required to activate this circuit is about 15 volts. If the voltage is less than 15 volts, the circuit automatically switches off. However, initially both transistors T1 and T2 are cut off. The transistor pair of T1 and T2 performs switching and latching action when switch S1 is momentarily pressed, provided the line voltage is more than 15 volts, i.e. when the handset is placed on the cradle. Once the transistor pair of TI and T2 starts conducting, melody generator IC1 gets the supply and is activated. The mu-sic is coupled to the telephone lines via capacitor C2, resistor R1, and the bridge rectifier.


With the handset off-hook after a ring, momentary depression of switch S1 causes forward biasing of transistor T2. Mean-while, if the handset is placed on the cradle, the current passing through R1 (connected across the emitter and base terminals of pnp transistor T1) develops enough voltage to forward bias transistor T1 and it starts conducting. As a consequence, output voltage at the collector of transistor T1 sustains for-ward biasing of transistor T2, even if switch S1 is released. This latching action keeps both transistors T1 and T2 in conduction as long as the output of the bridge rectifier is greater than 15 volts. If the handset is now lifted off-hook, the rectifier output drops to about 9 volts and hence latching action ceases and the circuit automatically switches off.


EFY lab note. The value of resistor R2 determines the current through resistor R1 to develop adequate voltage (greater than 0.65 volts) for conduction of transistor T1. Hence it may be test selected between 33 kilo-ohms and 100 kilo-ohms to obtain instant latching.) The total cost of this circuit is around Rs 50.


Author : SIBIN K. ZACHARIAH - Copyright : Electronicsforu

Readmore → Music On Hold for Telephones